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Implant Exchange

Implant Exchange Chicago

Implant exchange is appropriate when a woman is unhappy with the appearance of her breasts after breast augmentation. Breast revision surgery can exchange the implants to create more desirable results.

What Is Implant Exchange?

Implant exchange is when a woman who is dissatisfied with her breast augmentation results undergoes breast revision to remove and replace her implants. The desire for implant exchange may arise soon after surgery or many years later. To improve a patient’s breast appearance, her current implants can be exchanged for implants of a different size, shape, or type.

Implant Exchange

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Am I at Risk of Needing Implant Exchange?

    Dissatisfaction with the appearance or feel of the breasts does not pose a medical threat. However, some women may be so sufficiently dissatisfied with their results that they elect to undergo breast revision for implant exchange. Dr. Schlechter has performed this procedure for women whose initial surgeon did not accurately perceive the vision they wanted to achieve. To avoid dissatisfaction in his own patients, Dr. Schlechter discusses all relevant factors (including preferences and anatomic realities) in detail with each patient before surgery. Nonetheless, even with the most experienced surgeons, it is impossible to perfectly imagine the results before breast augmentation surgery. Additionally, shifting personal preferences or social dynamics may prompt any woman with breast implants to seek a change years later. For example, it is not uncommon for a woman in her 40s or 50s to want to downsize her implants.

    Implant exchange may also be suitable for women who experience surgical complications that warrant a need for smaller implants.

  • How Can Breast Revision Surgery Help Me?

    If you are dissatisfied with your results at any point after your breast augmentation, breast revision surgery can exchange your implants for new ones. Dr. Schlechter will thoroughly discuss your goals with you to ensure that the results are optimal after your breast revision. With your new selection of implants, Dr. Schlechter will perform breast revision to replace your current implants. He may need to modify the implant capsules and remove scar tissue if necessary to produce the best results. The results from breast revision for implant exchange are typically much more flattering for your body and your preferences.

Dr. Benjamin Schlechter is a board-certified plastic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience performing plastic surgeries. As an expert breast surgeon, Dr. Schlechter has an incredibly low rate of surgical complications after breast augmentation and revision. To discuss your desire for implant exchange with Dr. Schlechter, request your personal consultation with him by calling (847) 393-4770 or by filling out our online contact form today.

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