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Treat Gynecomastia Without Skin Excision

Posted in Non-Surgical Procedures

Gynecomastia is a condition many men experience at some point in their life. Gynecomastia is the presence of enlarged breast tissue, more commonly referred to as “man boobs.” Gynecomastia can develop during puberty or be the result of taking prescription medications, steroids, or marijuana. Unfortunately for many men, excess breast tissue causes anxiety in one’s appearance, which can lead to lasting insecurities in a person’s self-image and confidence The presence of this overdeveloped breast tissue leads many men to shy away from social or intimate interactions and forces them to feel as though they need to hide the appearance of their breasts. For years, this condition has been treated through gynecomastia surgery; however, there is now a less-invasive option to combating this condition. At North Shore Aesthetics, Dr. Schlechter offers Renuvion™ to treat gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia Surgery Before and After Photos

What Is the Difference Between Gynecomastia Surgery and Renuvion™?

Excess breast tissue and fat must be removed through either liposuction or surgical excision. The removal of this breast tissue and fat, especially for men who have a larger amount of it, can result in sagging skin. It’s the treatment of this excess skin that creates the difference between gynecomastia surgery and Renuvion™. Traditional gynecomastia surgery removes sagging skin through surgical excision. This excision of the skin makes treating gynecomastia more invasive and results.

Renuvion™ is a less-invasive option available to treat excess, sagging skin. Renuvion™ uses a combination of helium plasma and radiofrequency energy to tighten skin without additional incisions or longer recovery required with surgical skin excision. To undergo gynecomastia surgery with Renuvion™, liposuction is first used to remove the excess breast tissue and fat. Once the fat is gone, the Renuvion™ probe is inserted through the small liposuction incisions to deliver the plasma energy to the loose skin. This energy causes the skin to tighten while stimulating the production of collagen. Renuvion™ is one of the safest procedures available to tighten skin and does so with little downtime or discomfort.

Are You a Candidate for Renuvion™?

Renuvion™ is designed to treat mild to moderate skin laxity. Therefore, it is best suited for men who have mild to moderate cases of gynecomastia. If the degree of your excess skin is severe, Renuvion™ may not be able to provide the same level of correction that surgical excision can. For most men, however, Renuvion™ is a revolutionary new approach to making gynecomastia surgery less invasive and more comfortable. Enjoy you firmer and flatter chest with less scarring and a faster recovery with Renuvion™.

To learn more about Renuvion™ and how it can help with gynecomastia, contact Dr. Schlechter at North Shore Aesthetics by calling (847) 393-4770 to set up a consultation.